Who is your Stargate fantasy man? (Ver. 2.0)
Jack is your fantasy. You're into the all-American man.
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Yes! I got Jack! I wasn't sure, because each question reminded me of a different one.

Stargate SG-1: How Obsessed Are You?

You are totally obsessed. You may want to ease back a bit for the sake of your friends, but what would be the fun in that. Keep quoting and have fun. Being so obsessed with and good at all things Stargate I bet you know who the picture is of and what episode it's from.
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Well, that's a suprise...

Which Stargate character are you most like?

You're Sam! You're a nerd in some ways, but you break lots of hearts. Remember, follow you're heart and take a break from work ever once in a while.
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Yay! I'm getting all my favourites!

Which Stargate: Atlantis Character Are You?
You are DR. ELIZABETH WEIR. Attractive, brilliant, but not one to seek the spotlight, Dr. Weir has worked behind the scenes in the U.S. government for several years. Though she's not the one who signs treaties, she has brokered a dozen of the most sensitive international accords in modern history. She has two Ph.D.s, teaches political science at Georgetown University, has served in embassies all over the world and speaks five languages. Though she began her career as a political activist lobbying against government spending on the military, she later decided the best way to stop weapons proliferation was to end the need for them. Placed in charge of Stargate Command by President Henry Hayes, she has now been asked to command the Stargate Atlantis team.
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Oh wow, I even avoided some of the Weir ones, because I knew I would get her. I was thinking I would get Rodney. These made me happy!
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