Friday, April 07, 2006

Two truths and a lie, guess the lie...

1. I once saw Helen Clark sneaking chocolate from her desk during question time.
2. I have eaten tripe.
3. I have seen someone snort a line of salt and cry from the pain.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Anja! For a week ago...

My cats (that's right, plural... Marian has abandoned Griifins) are very clingy at the moment and I don't know why. As soon as my alarm goes off in the morning, Tigger is at my bedroom door crying to be let inside. It isn't even cold at the moment, he just wants to sit on my computer or something.

I got my first Chemistry set from the corresondence school today... I don't have a study period anymore, I have 6 subjects. I will be a busy girl.


And what's the deal with teachers swearing? Don't they realise that it isn't big or clever? Didn't their mothers ever tell them that people would assume they had a very limited vocabulary? Not to mention that I already know that those students are little shits, without being told. Seriously though, it's nice to know that teachers are flawed human-types too.

"I didn't crawl through the slime of a rat infested Bombay brothel so that some namby pamby poodle owner like you could teach old Gormsby how to speak the Queen's English!"

... I stand corrected.