Sunday, February 26, 2006

As most people reading this will know, I'm back at school for a year. It's not because I failed, I passed level 3 ncea and got university entrance, it's because I want my calc marks so I can do physics at uni.

Now is when most people say "you're nuts! You can do catch up courses at Uni!" But I don't want to spend my first year at Uni paying to catch up. I'm also using this year to work for better marks in all my subjects so I don't bounce into Uni straight from the laziest year of my life, with the bare minumum of passing marks and absolutely no study habits.

So if you have an opinion about what I should do with my year, I would appreciate it if you keep it to yourself.

/pissed off
This is me. In front of a big... thing... with gas... and bubbling mud pools in the bottom. (*added* I remembered the word for thing! Crater. It's a crater. Damn, I'm tired.)
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The emerald lakes. These are the crater lakes we ate lunch next to during the 10 hour tramp. We were sitting in a volcano.

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My boots, at lunch time. They don't look so shiny and new now.
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This was taken from the window of a moving bus at 6am, on the way to the start of the tramp. Wooooh... Lord of the Rings. I have a lot that look LotR-like because they filmed some of it there. I didn't get to climb Mt Doom because of the weather. Grrrrr.
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Pretty. Wooooh.
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Very tired on the bus. *yawn*
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And... an after photo. My friend (I didn't know her before sunday) took this thursday morning when we were waiting for the bus. It shows off the sunburn, puffiness, pimples and exhaustion. (*added* and bad hair from a week of forgotten conditioner)
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A rainbow at Huka falls...
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A crater that... looks like a crater.
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Oooh, look at the track from top right to bottom left. I screed down it (it's skiing on scree!... Yeah, my friends thought that was lame too). It's huge and I just charged down it! I will post another one later where you can see just how huge it is. The rest of the group were carefully picking their way down, so I waited at the top until the coast was clear. It was seriously like extreme sports or something off jackass or something! (*added* for some indication of scale... look at the very top, you can just make out some people standing there...)
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Another mist one, but all the crap on the window of the bus was picked up, dammit. Janet.
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More water... woooooh
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And some more...
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Anyway, we came home on thursday and Mr Russell made us go to school on friday.
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