Sunday, November 27, 2005

I added this because Emma likes it. Well, she would... she actually looks good in that photo.

See that huff? I'm leaving in it.

Well, I will... soon.

Well, I have one exam to go. Then I have glorious freedom! Well, when I'm not working. Thursday is my first late night in the run-up to Christmas... I wonder when the Coastlands giftwrapping service will start so we won't have to do it anymore?

In other news... in 12 days I will be able to:

Vote, buy fags, porn, sex toys, alcohol, legally be a prostitute, work in a bar, join the armed forces, enter into a legal contract, get a credit card, do jury duty, make a will and buy an Instant Kiwi! Whoo-hoo!

I can also apply for a licence to drive a heavy trade vehicle! This is too cool! I can also make a will. Hmmm... who wants my teddy bear slippers? Or my broken cd player?

Did you know that I have been eligable to be tried in an adult court for nearly a year, but haven't gotten around to it yet? I'm so slack.

Anja works at Paper Plus now! We try to be good, so that the boss will let us work together. *pokes Anja*

Continuing the theme of randomly changing topics, yesterday I had haggis! Dad brought it into the bookshop and I rushed it into the staff room and sealed it in a plastic container so it wouldn't stink the place out. Anja refused to try it, even though she was the one who got me eating raw fish, whole chilis and pickled limes. Anja, you're a wimp.

The Balmer series is visable light.

Monday, November 21, 2005

A phone call I just had with my mother:

Mum: "Just ringing to make sure that you are both home and don't need a lift from anywhere."
Me, with tears in my voice: "Mum! We both had exams this morning! Why didn't you wake us up?"
Mum: "What!?!"
Me: uncontrollable laughter
Mum (who never swears): "You little shit!"

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ok, I have finally had time to scan some photos from my last day!

First, I will explain a few things. The photos aren't that great, I forgot the digital camera so I picked up a cheap disposable one on the way to school and then scanned them on a very old scanner.

The other thing that probably needs explaining is our choice of clothing. Laughing We are wearing tshirts that my brother printed for us. They have this:
(Teen Girl Squad, google and watch... now!) on the front and a buffy quote (We do we go from here?) on the back. My sister is wearing her school skirt from last year (as 7th formers we haven't had to wear uniform for a year) and my friend and I are wearing our short grey skirts from 3rd form. We have our ties around our waists.

Anyway, on to the photos!

My friend and I (I'm on the left) about to start a sack race, handcuffed together. Another friend tackled me during the race and I landed on my face, and Emma kept hopping! Very painful.

The 6 of us.

My friend being a seed.

My friend after having a bucket of water tipped over her. The photo is blurry because I am running away from her... I may have helped with the watering. I still have the scratches on my wrist from when she got me for it.

And here we are, covered in water, detergent, flour and cream. Most of the cream and flour has been washed off by this stage. I had (while I was handcuffed) a mesh sack thrown over me head, then I was thrown across a wet detergenty tarpoline head first.

Revenge on the main culprit of the bucket thing. Also because he was the one who tackled me in the sack race.

13 days and my exams are over! I'm ready for them to be done now, I have even dug out my santa hat. (Starts rocking slighly).

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Time for some unflattering photos! Yay!

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And... a not quite sober one.

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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Rod Donald was fit and healthy.

Some of us aren't.

If he can be taken out by a heart attack, anyone can.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Captain, I'm sensing some hostility!
All I ate yesterday was a few gherkins and m&ms. Not nice coming back up, but they were the only things that didn't make me sick just thinking about.

So, really... I have nothing interesting to say. Except that Blue Heelers was really sad today. Hayley, Tessa's foster kid, went back to her drunk mother with the abusive boyfriend. You might know the actress who plays Hayley... she is the girl in A Series of Unfortunate events. Her part on Blue Heelers is what got her that job.

I don't feel like writing anymore, so I won't.
